Naive Bayes classifier

美 [naɪˈiːv beɪz ˈklæsɪfaɪər]英 [naɪˈiːv beɪz ˈklæsɪfaɪə(r)]
  • 网络朴素贝叶斯分类器;朴素贝叶斯分类;朴素贝页斯分类;贝叶斯分类器
Naive Bayes classifierNaive Bayes classifier
  1. In this paper , we investigate enhancement of naive Bayes classifier using feature weighting technique .


  2. Compare with the traditional naive bayes classifier , some efficient implementations for our algorithms confirmed the method was correct and feasible .


  3. Research on Traffic Pattern Recognition Technology Based on Incremental Naive Bayes Classifier


  4. The system performance comparing with SVM classifier and Naive Bayes classifier under the same condition .


  5. The first approach is a simple Map-Reduce-enabled Naive Bayes classifier .


  6. In the process of single classifier development , this paper modifies naive bayes classifier for its output problem .


  7. Naive Bayes classifier is proved to be one of the simple and effective classifier and be used widely and successfully .


  8. The SD algorithm is a new hybrid of global learning and local learning . Thus it can improve the generalization ability of Naive Bayes classifier .


  9. Meanwhile Rocchio classifier and Naive Bayes classifier have been constructed in order to compare with the n-gram models on their performance .


  10. In the software aging prediction , Naive Bayes classifier based on Markov Chain is used . Load balancing algorithm is to plug into software parameter based on original algorithm .


  11. When predicting the aging degree and trend , this paper uses several aging metrics as the input and deploys the Naive Bayes classifier based on Markov Chain .


  12. MBN classifier is compared with Naive Bayes classifier and TAN classifier by an experiment . Experimental results show that this model has higher classification accuracy in most data sets .


  13. Microblogging information classify module using the popular Naive Bayes classifier to classify the message . Naive Bayes classifier include text pre-processing , classify and manual review process .


  14. On the basis of the study of naive Bayes classifier s ( NBC ), a new method & tree augmented naive Bayes classifier is proposed and applied to texture classification .


  15. In the experiment , we use naive bayes classifier and SVM classifier to verify the effectiveness of this method . Thirdly , in text clustering , we also map terms into cloud droplets and condense them into clustering-document-cloud .


  16. We first analysis the characteristic of HTML documents , then discuss the key technique of automatic text classification , including Vector Space Model , Chinese word segmentation , text feature selection , and implement a multinomial NaiVe Bayes classifier to classify Chinese Web page .


  17. The universal approximation of this model has been proved . The method and process of obtaining the fuzzy if-then rules and conditional probability also has been research based on the former achievement . The probability factor obtaining method based on Fuzzy Naive Bayes Classifier is also discussed .


  18. Naive Bayes Text Classifier Based on Word Clusters


  19. Stump Network text classifier is compared with naive bayes text classifier and TAN ( tree augmented naive bayes ) by an experiment .


  20. To diminish the defect , firstly the words with k-means algorithm are clustered , and word clusters are looked as text feature , then the texts are classified by the naive bayes text classifier .


  21. Naive Bayes ( NB ) classifier has long been considered a core methodology in text categorization mainly due to its simplicity and computational efficiency .
